Matching entries: 0
Bédard Y (1986), "A Study of the Nature of Data Using A Communication-Based Conceptual Framework". Thesis at: University of Maine.

  author = {Bédard, Y.},
  title = {A Study of the Nature of Data Using A Communication-Based Conceptual Framework},
  school = {University of Maine},
  year = {1986}
Freundschuh SM (1991), "Spatial Knowledge Acquisition of Urban Environments from Maps and Navigation Experience". Thesis at: New York State University Buffalo.

  author = {Freundschuh, S. M.},
  title = {Spatial Knowledge Acquisition of Urban Environments from Maps and Navigation Experience},
  school = {New York State University Buffalo},
  year = {1991}
Albrecht J (1995), "Universal GIS Operations". Thesis at: Universität Osnabrück.

  author = {Albrecht, Jochen},
  title = {Universal GIS Operations},
  school = {Universität Osnabrück},
  year = {1995}
Schneider M (1995), "Spatial Data Types for Database Systems". Thesis at: Fernuniversität Hagen. FernUniversitaet.

  author = {Schneider, Markus},
  title = {Spatial Data Types for Database Systems},
  publisher = {FernUniversitaet},
  school = {Fernuniversität Hagen},
  year = {1995}
Devogele T (1997), "Processus d'intégration et d'appariement de Bases de Données Géographiques Application à une base de données routières multi-échelles". Thesis at: Université de Versailles.

  author = {Devogele, Thomas},
  title = {Processus d'intégration et d'appariement de Bases de Données Géographiques Application à une base de données routières multi-échelles},
  school = {Université de Versailles},
  year = {1997},
  url = {}
Ebner M (2004), "Ein Beitrag zur monetären Bewertung von digitaler Netzinformation in Versorgungsunternehmen". Thesis at: Universität der Bundeswehr, München.

  author = {Ebner, Matthias},
  title = {Ein Beitrag zur monetären Bewertung von digitaler Netzinformation in Versorgungsunternehmen},
  school = {Universität der Bundeswehr, München},
  year = {2004}
Ansorge D (2006), "A Generic Approach for the Implementation of Spatial Algebras in Database Systems". Thesis at: FernUniversität Hagen.

  author = {Ansorge, Dirk},
  title = {A Generic Approach for the Implementation of Spatial Algebras in Database Systems},
  school = {FernUniversität Hagen},
  year = {2006}
Dilo A (2006), "Representation of and Reasoning with Vagueness in Spatial Information A System for Handling Vague Objects". Thesis at: University Wageningen.

  author = {Dilo, Arta},
  title = {Representation of and Reasoning with Vagueness in Spatial Information A System for Handling Vague Objects},
  school = {University Wageningen},
  year = {2006}
Thompson R (2007), "Towards a Rigorous Logic for Spatial Data Representation". Thesis at: Technical University Delft.

  author = {Thompson, Rodney},
  title = {Towards a Rigorous Logic for Spatial Data Representation},
  school = {Technical University Delft},
  year = {2007}
Loustau P (2008), "Interpretation automatique d'itinerairers des recits de voyages". Thesis at: Université de Pau de l'Adour. Laboratoire d'Informatique

  author = {Loustau, Pierre},
  title = {Interpretation automatique d'itinerairers des recits de voyages},
  school = {Université de Pau de l'Adour},
  year = {2008}
Penninga F (2008), "3D Topography A Simplicial Complex-Based Solution in a Spatial DBMS". Thesis at: Technical University Delft.

  author = {Penninga, Friso},
  title = {3D Topography A Simplicial Complex-Based Solution in a Spatial DBMS},
  school = {Technical University Delft},
  year = {2008}
Schade S (2009), "Ontology-Driven Translation of Geospatial Data". Thesis at: Universität Münster.
Abstract: Current methods for specifying data models lack wel
l-defined descriptions of the
expressions, which represent data types, attributes
, attribute values, and
operations. It is impossible to define clear transl
ation rules for data models,
because the relation between source and target data
model elements is not
computable. Furthermore, translation has to account
for imprecision caused by
conceptual heterogeneities and measurement error. I
n this thesis we use the
DOLCE foundational ontology to provide a semantic r
eference frame for
geospatial data. Available extensions to DOLCE are
profiled and additional
geospatial characteristics, such as topological rel
ations are included. Annotating
(or semantically referencing) expressions, which ar
e used to define geospatial
data models, with this frame supports computability
and allows for selecting
appropriate translation rules on the attribute leve
l. Using a logic-based approach,
semantically referenced data models allow for infer
ring relations between source
and target attributes. This includes inference on a
pplicable translation operations
and the detection of match types (exact, upper boun
d, and lower bound) between
attributes. If detected match types fit the user’s
purpose, translation scripts are
extracted. The scripts are executed using an algebr
aic theory, which includes
propagation of measurement errors. The approach all
ows for specifying data
model semantics and imprecision. A demonstrator is
provided as proof of
concept. Our research is guided by an example of tr
anslating information about
road width from a national data model (ATKIS road d
ata model) to an
international one (INSPIRE Data Specification for T
ransport Networks).

  author = {Schade, Sven},
  title = {Ontology-Driven Translation of Geospatial Data},
  school = {Universität Münster},
  year = {2009}
Karimipour F (2010), "A Mathematical Tool to Extend 2D Spatial Operations to Higher Dimensions". Thesis at: University of Tehran.

  author = {Farid Karimipour},
  title = {A Mathematical Tool to Extend 2D Spatial Operations to Higher Dimensions},
  school = {University of Tehran},
  year = {2010},
  note = {Supervisors. Mahmoud Reza Delavar and Andrew U. Frank}
Rezayan H (2010), "Spatial Local Rules Which Determine Cities Generation". Thesis at: University of Tehran. Vol. PhD

  author = {Rezayan, H.},
  title = {Spatial Local Rules Which Determine Cities Generation},
  school = {University of Tehran},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {PhD}