List of lecture notes and books with their abstracts
Lecture notes (a.k.a. scripts) for download and titles of books published with Gerastree Editions to be ordered from Amazon. (pdf)
The last versions of the scripts I prepared for teaching at the Technical University Wien for download as pdf:
Practical Geometry: The Mathematics for Geographic Information Systems. Draft 2006
An Empirical Ontology for GIS: How to achieve interoperability and to integrate data from different sources, or, A computational ontology for space, time, matter and information. Draft 2005
Machbarkeitsstudie für Geonfirmationsprodukte (Feasibility Studies for Geoinformation Products; in german) 2014
Realisierung eines Geoinformationsproduktes (Realization of Geoinformaiton Products; in german) technically outdated 2014
The list of the books I published with Gerastree Edition with abstracts. They can be ordered from Amazon!
Gerastree Edition Books
A list with abstracts (pdf) 2020-06-01