Rationale for the SSG
Observations during testing of other static site generators available a few years ago lead to a set of goals for my own. (pdf)
I experimented with a number of static site generators to build a web site for my own use in 2018. The observations lead to a set of requirements, which are detailed here.
Some comments on Static Site Generator available in 2018
Why yet another static site generator? Pandoc provides nearly everything and gives the desired functionality (code in Haskell, markdown as primary text input, backup with git). (pdf) March 5, 2019 -
Impressions of the SSG sprinkles
My impression with trying to use sprinkles, which I hoped could satisfy all my needs. (pdf) 2019-01-01 -
Principles of SSG design
Why yet another static site generator? Pandoc provides nearly everything and gives the desired functionality (code in Haskell, markdown as primary text input, backup with git). (pdf) March 5, 2019 -
What remains to be designed after deciding on the tools?
What remains to be designed? The description with in the abstract will be followed up with the specifics. (pdf) March 5, 2019 -
Private and public, publish and publish state
Only pages which are not containing private material (i.e. are public) and which ready to publish (i.e. not a publish) (pdf) March 5, 2019 -
Three options to manage a home page
Some of my friends confronted the same question and found different solutions. I see three options discussed here. (pdf) March 5, 2019