What remains to be designed after deciding on the tools?
What remains to be designed? The description with in the abstract will be followed up with the specifics. (pdf)
March 5, 2019
content as markdown text
Pandoc allows a metadata block in YAML before the text written in
markdownPandoc markdown has many extensions.
There is an effort underway to specify markdown more precisely as commonmark
. The
extensions must include at least - footnotes - references to be included
from bibtex - images - hyperrefs - table of content
The design must fix the information to include in the metadata block and decide on the markdown extension to be included.
A decision on the editor is not required; it is recommended that the editor used should include spell checking tools for multiple languages. I think that spell checking is part of editing the source and not part of the baking of a site.
I wish tools to systematically process text from input on an
US-keyboard where input of accented characters and similar (umlaut,
, ¿
etc.) is difficult.
It should be possible to collected several shorter markdown texts and produce a booklet.
Build Site Generator around Pandoc
Pandoc translates many different text file formats into
, it can handle BibTex references in text and produce
publication lists (with pandoc-citeproc
now with citeproc.
It works well with doctemplates,
which is a small template systemsimilar to moustache
with just conditionals and loops. It is produced by the
same author as pandoc
Pandoc works with conversion of files into value. Files can include metadata as YAML blocks in the text source.
It is possible to produce pdf
files from the blog
entries, which gives a printable format (better than printing the
Pandoc uses internally JSON, which in Haskell means using aeson.
Directory structure
The design fixes the file structure: theme and content (dough) is
separated from the baked site. The source for the web
), the layout and appearances
) are stored in a directory. The produced web pages
go into a different directory (baked
The resulting html
files served are stored elsewhere.
(Storage of Site Data)
Description of site source layout in a text file
The layout of the source directories and the target directory can be
set out in a YAML file (settings.yml
). In the same file,
other general parameters of the web site can be included as well.
Principle: only one settings file in structured text format (YAML).