ruhiger Sommer im Garten in Geras

Andrew U. Frank

Andrew U. Frank

em.o.Univ.Prof. Dr. sc.techn. Dr. h.c. Dipl.Ing.

Andrew U. Frank

Impressions of the SSG sprinkles

My impression with trying to use sprinkles, which I hoped could satisfy all my needs. (pdf)


Reasons to try it

I spend some time with trying Sprinkles as a foundation for my own homepage. It was attractive because it seemed to fulfill most of my requirements:

Some points I perceived as rather negative:


During my tests, I found some things which could be improved and which became also ideas which were later included in my SSG design.

Button to get clean start

Provide a method to force a clean restart and, if possible, force it automatically when certain files change. For example, when project.yml changes, do a clean restart without user intervention.

Breaking the program in independent services

The monolithic nature with a very large number of dependencies makes it hard to maintain and probably difficult to attract others to contribute.

For example:

I think it could be possible to have a separate program for bake and one for serving, with a common sprinkles-core.

With ginger I had the impression that part of the complexity comes from using an extended version of JSON.Value.I understand the reasons for adding specific types but feel it would be better to wrap the type for Http around a JSON.Value and not produce a separate value which then needs conversions etc. etc.

Many small files connected by same parameter names

The structure of the different YAML files to define the design, together with the templates (in Jinja2), the css styles and others are hard to grasp and keep aligned.

Theme folder

I liked the Pelikan approach to have a theme folder, which separates the theme from the remainder.

Preview not correctly rendered

The preview operation seems not to properly treat markdown. The three tick style, which should give a typewriter font, gives spaced text.

Parameter for pages and posts

I would prefer a structure for the pages as two yaml docs, separated by ----, where the first contains proper yaml with key - value pairs and the second the markdown text.Pandoc has adopted this approach and I use it for SSG.

Archetypes for pages

I liked the idea to define archetypes for pages and a function, which defines the values and an archetype to the proper place and fill the values correctly.


I think


I was impressed with sprinkles enough to try to combine it with sitepipe and later slick which then moved to use shake. I eventually decided to go directly to build on top of pandoc and shake all packages can be found on hackage.


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