ruhiger Sommer im Garten in Geras

Andrew U. Frank

Andrew U. Frank

em.o.Univ.Prof. Dr. sc.techn. Dr. h.c. Dipl.Ing.

Andrew U. Frank

The overall setup of a site

The file describing the overall setup of a site. (pdf)


Details of the Settings for a site

I will use the term site (or web site) for a set of connected web pages (or just pages) which can be accessed through a web browser using the world wide web technologyFollowing the seminal ideas of Tim Berners-Lee


The settings are all collected in a single YAML fileThe current specification of YAML, but there are perhaps better explanations

. The annotated file for the currently running site can probably serve as a concrete example.

The settings start with siteLayout, which gives the directories of the sources for

The content must use the keywords that the theme set up; it is possible to produce with the same theme (i.e. the same directory with the same files) different web sites from different source directories. It is likewise possible to produce different baked directories which are independently served from different theme and the same content files.

The localhostPort gives the port used by the server created with the -s switch of ssgbake.

The siteHeader: needs values for sitename:, byline:, banner (an imagepreferably wide and narrow; 1024 by 330 pixels works well

to place by default at the top of all pages) with a bannerCaption, a text which can be read if the image not visible.

Last, the entries of a static menu are given as menuitems: which is shown as a ribbon under the banner page. They consist of a

The settings file is read each time ssgbake is started and content is baked; changes are burnt into the converted site and after changes, the site should be rebuildJust delete the bakedHomepage directory and rebuild with ssgbake.


Topical subdivision of content

Usually the content of a site is divided in some topics, e.g. contact, publications, blog. The content for each topic, i.e. the markdown files, are collected in these directories.

Additionally an file must be added, which serves as a introduction to the content; a sort of table of content is appended automatically and facilitates navigation with clickable links.

Landing page

The landing page, i.e. the page shown when the URL of the site is opened. It typically contains a general introduction and links to the major pieces - possibly with some explanation.

The landing page of the homepage will be produced from the file in the root (dough) folder of your homepage using the theme given in the settings file; no special rules or provisions!

Resources directories

Directories to include resourcesresources is a reserved name for directories in SSG; these directories are not searched for web content and should only contain static content, which is references from other pages.

, e.g. images or pdf filescurrently only files with extensions jpg, JPG or PDF are dealt with, but extension is a simple change in the Haskell source, specifically in Shake2.hs.

, which are references in other web pages and served can be added wherever convenient. Their location are mentioned in the references included in the source texts for the web pages they reference.

Produced with `daino` from Essays/SSGdesign/03introUse/004settings.html (public, publish) with master7tufte.dtpl.
daino and w3.css