ruhiger Sommer im Garten in Geras

Andrew U. Frank

Andrew U. Frank

em.o.Univ.Prof. Dr. sc.techn. Dr. h.c. Dipl.Ing.

Andrew U. Frank

Homepage Andrew U. Frank

Mostly useful to download publications! (pdf)


My homepage is work in progress. It is a place to test and communicate ideas. Some longer, essay-styled texts are structured as blog-entries but can be printed as pdf, often in a Tufte-layout.

It contains:

The homepage is produced by my daino program and should adapt to any screen width - thanks to w3c templates - and will be further improved with images.

Most is written in English, but some parts are in German. I hope that it will be possible, to translate everything into both languages eventually. Currently the breaks show uncomfortably.

Directories with more related texts:

Produced with `daino` from index.html (public, publish) with master7tufte.dtpl.
daino and w3.css